Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Silent Auction Prizes

I have never bid on an item in a silent auction until Drew's school had one on Friday night. Drew spotted a basket he wanted so I bid on it just barely higher than the last bidder. I honestly did not think we would win. We did though! It was a basket full of games. Our boys love to play games but I have been so tired of playing the same ones & I'm sure they are tired of them too. We have about 3 we usually play.
In our new basket there are 8 games:
Sorry Sliders
Monopoly Cash

Last night we played "Sorry Sliders" and "HedBanz". It was so much fun! HedBanz made us laugh so much. The game is that you wear a headband on your head with a card on it. The other players give you clues or you ask questions to figure out the card on your head. The boys are still too young to ask all the necessary questions so we would give clues instead. They would scream & get so excited when they guessed their card correctly. Alex, just being 2, thought he was guessing what was on our heads too so he would shout out the picture on our head & get so excited that he figure it out! ha! Alex finally figured out he could see his headband & card in the fireplace glass!

I also won a Homedics sound machine for the baby's room. He displays a picture on the ceiling & plays lullabies or typical sound machine things like ocean, rain, etc. Again, I figured I wouldn't win it because I barely outbid the previous person. I know it will get lots of use in a few months.

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