Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Time

It is hot here so we are enjoying our neighborhood pool for sure! Now that it is July and over 100 degrees, it is almost too hot in the afternoon to even enjoy the pool.

Drew started the summer in swimmies but after just a few times in the pool he was ready to swim without them. He is now jumping in the deep end & swimming to the other side, diving for shark dive sticks, swimming underwater, and doing cannonballs. I liked it when they both had a little fear at the pool & lake. Now neither of the boys are scared so I watch EXTRA close all of the time because they are getting braver & braver everyday. The other day we forgot Alex's swimmies at home. Alex jumped from the pools steps into the water without any fear...luckily David was standing right there & caught him. He has now experienced swimming alone with swimmies so he does not want to be held in the pool. He will take off with or without swimmies.

Besides swimming, going to the lake, VBS, summer school, and Mexico...I began potty training Alex. Let me tell you, that was an adventure all in itself! We have a book called "Duck Goes Potty" and that is what was my tool for him giving up diapers. In the book the momma duck tells baby duck "no more diapers" so that's what I told Alex the day after July 4th. He woke up that morning & we immediately put on underwear. I was amazed at how long he would hold it because he refused to use the potty. He wasn't having accidents though, he was just holding it. Finally he got to a point that he couldn't hold it anymore so he used the potty & saw it wasn't scary at all. He was so proud of himself & of course we made a HUGE deal over him! I started with underwear on Tuesday and then Wednesday we spent the afternoon at the pool. He started pee-peeing on the grass there. Well...that started a whole new adventure for him. For a week he would only pee-pee on the grass. Therefore, if we were out & about he would hold it until we got home. The moment of all embarassment was at church on Sunday. He told his teachers that he couldn't potty at church because there was no grass! That's wonderful, huh? Luckily Monday at VBS he went on the potty at church so he is pretty much only going on the potty now unless he is outside playing. He definitely has a mind of his own though. He keeps us laughing all of the time. On Saturday he was complaining of his tummy hurting but he refused to poop on the potty. I bought a pirate puzzle he had been asking for and I sat it on top of the fridge. He constantly asked for it but I always replied "only if you poopy on the potty". Finally Drew asked if he could poop on the potty & earn it for brother. How sweet is that??? They were determined to earn that puzzle. Drew finally coached him into using the potty & they BOTH were thrilled to have earned the puzzle.
I will admit though...when I felt like he was officially potty trained, I had a brief moment of sadness that this "phase" of his life was over. No more diapers!


As we slow down to turn on the road to our campround Alex says "WE AT THE CAAAMPERRR!!! Drew immediately asks to unbuckle once we are on the driveway to the camper because that, of course, allows him to jump out quicker once the truck stops.
Last year we bought a camper to park with my parents & sister's family campers. We always have alot of fun and the boys LOVE going to the camper to see my nieces & play, play, play. Last year the boys were not too into the lake. This year, however, is a different story. Drew jumps in like he has never been afraid of the lake a day in his life. We laugh that our family is stuck in the 80s and the ONLY ones that still water ski. Most everyone there is doing kneeboards or wakeboards. Not us!!! I figure it took me sooo long to learn how to ski on 2 skis that I will spend the rest of my life doing it. David wants to learn to ski on 1 and also wakeboard. I tried years ago to ski on 1 ski but I thought I was drowning because you take on so much water. After probably 2 attempts I decided I was perfectly content with skiing on 2 forever!

Our first weekend at the lake this year was Memorial Day weekend. We didn't get out on the lake because with all of the rain we had in the spring, the lake was very high and dirty. We opened up & cleaned the campers. The kids did water guns & water balloons. We took the kids to the Norfork Dam and river to let them wade in the water & play on the playground. There is something magical for my boys about throwing rocks into water!

Their favorite things to do...make a tent in the boys' bedroom at the camper.

Happy Father's Day! The boys & I are so blessed to have such a wonderful man to call husband & daddy. We love you babe! Thank you for all you do for our family.

Happy Father's Day Pop! We love you!

Love Drew's face in this picture. He is having so much fun!

Hanging out in the cabin of the boat waiting for a storm to pass.

Pretty sure they were eating lots of snacks in there too.

Happy 4th of July

Waiting for the lake fireworks show to start and it was not a minute before 9:30.

Hannah & one of our favorite lake snacks

Love my sis and brother-in-law...

Finished the day with a bubble bath at home after watching our neighborhood fireworks with friends. What a fun weekend but we are tired!

An Afternoon to Catch Up

I will start with MAY...yes the May that was 2 months ago. I often say "oh if I would just do it more often then it wouldn't be so time consuming when I do finally sit down to update" BUT I continue to procrastinate until everything that I post is not current. Maybe I will get better...
So much has been going on at the McElhaney's house since May - Mother's Day, Preschool Graduation, several lake visits, Father's Day, 4th of July, and just hanging out at home enjoying summer break. Drew starts Kindergarten in 2 weeks!! I am so excited for HIM but so sad for me. It will be a huge change for us all. now to catch up on the past 2 months...

May Fun

Mother's Day
David (and the boys) gave me a running Garmin watch for my Mother's Day present. I love it! It can do waaaay more than I am smart enough to do but I still love what I have FIGURED out how to do! We spent Mother's Day weekend in Jonesboro.

Sunday before leaving home we went to the was soooo humid!

Welcome ARKANSAS summer.

Might as well embrace their need for silly faced pictures.

I love being their mommy!

Uncle Heath loves to rough house with the boys. The boys, of course, eat it up!

Playing around at home usually involves dressing up & jumping...

Even if the attire may not fit anymore or is a cross between pirate, cowboy, hunter, & spiderman.

Crafty Cottage

We went to paint pottery with some friends and it was so much fun. Drew invited his friend, Brookelyn, from his preschool class. They are so cute together!

Drew's Preschool Graduation

My family came from Jonesboro for Drew's graduation. That was the highlight of Drew's month. He asked everyday "Is today graduation and Jenna is coming?". When he had "graduation pictures" taken at school, he came home so sad & said "Mommy, they took my picture and had graduation but it was so fast Gran & Auntie missed it. They didn't even come." Too cute!!! Taking him to his last day of preschool was sad. A friend told me she cried & cried at her daughter's graduation but for me the sad part was the last day I took him to preschool. That's when it hit me Kindergarten is coming!!!

Last day of School

Just Hanging Out