Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday!!!

He had a Ben 10 themed birthday party. It is his favorite show to watch and favorite toys to play with. All he asked for his birthday was Ben 10 aliens which is really a small request. Rick's Bakery did an amazing job drawing the Ben 10 watch on the cake. Picking up the cake was the highlight of Drew's Friday afternoon. I'm pretty sure he showed my parents and nieces 10 times Friday night when they got if it was changing in the refrigerator.

Thanks friends for making Drew's birthday special!! Sweet Neely was his only girlfriend that came but he could not have celebrated his birthday without her. He loves her so much. I love to see them together playing, laughing, & hugging goodbye.
We put "trick" candles on his cake. He blew...and blew...and blew...

and finally realized they WERE NOT going out! Notice Alex finally started helping him blow.

Thanks Auntie, Heath, Hannah & Jenna...he LOVES his scooter!

For lunch we had Red Robin. I told our waitress it was Drew's birthday (knowing he probably would not like the embarrassment of them singing to him - whoops). Initially he wasn't happy but he warmed up at the end.

He is not a real big ice cream eater so Jenna was happy to eat it for him.

We also went to Touch a Truck despite the January like temperatures.

Drew loved shooting the BB gun (with David's help, of course).

They were happy to take this picture because it was so warm standing beside the

muffler on the fire truck.

Jenna driving the postal truck.

Jenna & Alex in a Tyson 18-wheeler

Drew was asking to open presents days before his birthday party on Saturday. He was counting down the days until Gran & Pop, and Hannah & Jenna arrived. Then he was also counting down days until presents and his party. We didn't let him have the bounce house until my parents got there because it was also from them. He knew that he could get a gift when we woke up Saturday that's what he wanted to do as soon as everyone woke up. It was a huge hit!

He is still jumping in it everyday. Luckily we have a bonus room and have

used it so much with all this rainy weather.

Favorite game with the bounce house is playing "hide from the monster" - AKA pop & daddy chase us around the bounce house while we scream & jump & laugh. They never get tired of that game but Pop & Daddy do.

One of his requests for the bounce house is that it would have a slide. Their favorite thing to do is pile tons of pillow, stuffed animals, and blankets at the bottom of the slide & crash into it all. Also they love to lay on a pillow & slide down.

It was such a fun weekend. I was so glad my parents and nieces were able to come for the weekend. Thank you friends & family for making it so special for Drew!

On his birthday (Monday) he received a card in the mail from my Granny Welch. He always hopes there is something in the mail for him when we check the mailbox. Even better...there was a card with money for him. Usually we put it in his piggy bank but there was another Ben 10 Alien he was wanting so he was so excited to go pick it out at Wal-Mart. He thought it was really cool too that he had his own money to give the cashier. He picked out 2 toys and put the rest in his piggy bank.

My next task is to print a group picture from the party and mail thank you notes. Some of my friends are so quick at that and I am terrible. I wish I could remember things like that quicker than weeks after the event.

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